We are delighted to announce that the Heart of Giant Foundation (HGF) has been awarded a $10,000 grant from The Lenny Zakim Fund (LZF), which will help improve health outcomes for the most vulnerable residents affected by inequity in the Mattapan and Dorchester community. Through this grant, HGF can increase blood pressure awareness through our Community Blood Pressure Screening and Health Education project.

Since the founding of LZF in 1995, LZF has provided the opportunity, safety, and equity for thousands throughout Massachusetts with 1547 grants awarded, and now HGF has been added to the number. The grant awarded will be utilized to implement one of the funding priorities of LZF – Health Promotion and Accessibility for All. 

“We have the power to change things. It doesn’t take much to start a revolution of thought and spirit. It takes one person and then another. When it works, it’s a work of art.” — Lenny Zakim, Founder. At HGF, we are driven by the African philosophy of Ubuntu (“I am because we are”) which emphasizes humanity, compassion, and social responsibility. Our program activities will improve communities’ health and well-being by infusing our work with this philosophy. We believe everything we do at the community level culminates into a world of difference.


Hypertension is a common yet insidious health condition affecting up to 45% of adults in the US. It is the leading risk factor for heart disease and strokes. Fortunately, in most cases, hypertension can be managed and adverse outcomes prevented through clinical care and lifestyle changes. Through the Community Blood Pressure Screening and Health Education Project, Heart of a Giant will offer blood pressure screening and training on home blood pressure monitoring, distribute heart educational materials, and provide tips on healthy eating and physical activities. This project supports the community outreach and awareness of the Heart Healthy Communities (2HC) Program, which aims to empower participants to manage better and prevent hypertension.

Thank you, LZF, for recognizing our efforts in Health promotion. We are one step closer to meeting our fundraising goals and changing lives. 

If you want to explore ways to contribute to the Heart of A Giant Foundation, click here or visit heartofagiant.org for more details. Thank you in advance for supporting our initiative!