Happy holidays!

As we celebrate the season with gratitude, let us not forget about our brothers and sisters struggling with compromised health.

Almost 1,000 deaths arise daily from hypertension and hypertension-related complications [12]. These are often caused by economic or psychosocial factors that impact lifestyle options and choices.

At the Heart of A Giant Foundation, we aim to eliminate these barriers and improve health outcomes among people at risk of developing heart problems. That’s why we have worked hard to develop the Healthy Hearts Communities Program (2HC), an initiative consisting of clinical support, health education, and lifestyle coaching for hypertensive or pre-hypertensive individuals.


2HC program
serves as a platform for hypertensive patients to work hand-in-hand with health care providers and incorporate long-lasting lifestyle modifications.


The program is strategically divided into four broad and holistic components:

  • Nursing and Medical Support
  • Lifestyle Change Support
  • Mental Health Coaching
  • Healthy Hearts Community

Our goal is to launch the 2HC program with at least 120 participants in 2022, and you can help us get there!

There are
many ways to help

Make a monetary donation

You can help by providing monetary support to cover the costs of launching and operating the 2HC program. Our fundraising priorities are as follows:

Gifts of all sizes make a difference.  You can help us purchase BMI measurement equipment for a program participant for just $25, or you can fund an entire biometric self-monitoring kit for $125!  Or you can sign up to make a regular monthly gift that helps us cover the ongoing cost of producing and distributing educational materials that help people manage their health better.

Encourage people you know to sign up for the program

If you know of anyone who could benefit from a program to help manage their blood pressure, please encourage them to sign-up for our 2HC program for free! By participating in our program, your patients will learn to live with hypertension optimally and avoid progression to complications.

Follow us on social media

Like, comment and share our posts and help us spread the word about the 2HC program to your friends, family and colleagues who may be able to help us achieve our mission.






Regardless of your contribution,
we appreciate your time and support

Your part in making this program happen will undoubtedly impact the lives of hypertensive individuals and increase the awareness of hypertension in our communities. If you would like to sit down and discuss with us about donating or any other questions, feel free to contact us directly at (617) 712 6919 or email programs@heartofagiant.org.

Thank you in advance, and have a wonderful holiday season!